Men’s Work: The Mankind Project & Men’s Groups

The ManKind Project (MKP)

MKP is a global network of nonprofit organizations focused on modern male initiation, self-awareness, and personal growth. It was founded in 1984 by Bill Kauth, Rich Tosi, and Ron Hering, who were inspired by the work of Joseph Campbell and other scholars of mythology and initiation.

MKP offers a variety of programs for men, including weekend workshops, men’s groups, and online courses. These programs are designed to help men connect with their true selves, develop healthy relationships with others, and live more fulfilling lives.

MKP’s work is based on the belief that men need to go through a process of initiation in order to become fully realized adults. This process involves facing their fears, challenges, and vulnerabilities, and developing a strong sense of self-worth and integrity.

MKP workshops are typically intense and experiential, and they can be a transformative experience for many men. Participants are encouraged to share their stories, support each other, and learn from each other’s experiences.

MKP also supports a global network of men’s groups, which provide men with an ongoing space to connect with each other and support each other on their journey of personal growth.

MKP has been praised for its work in helping men to become more emotionally intelligent, responsible, and compassionate. However, it has also been criticized by some for its promotion of traditional masculinity and its use of physical challenges and initiatory rites.

Overall, MKP is a complex and controversial organization. However, there is no doubt that it has had a significant impact on the lives of many men around the world.

Here are some of the benefits that MKP participants report:

  • Increased self-awareness and self-acceptance
  • Improved relationships with partners, family, and friends
  • Greater emotional intelligence and empathy
  • A stronger sense of purpose and meaning in life
  • A more fulfilling and balanced life
  • If you are a man who is interested in personal growth and development, MKP may be something to consider. However, it is important to do your research and understand what MKP is all about before participating in any of its programs.


What other sources of personal growth are there for men, for example men’s groups?

There are many different sources of personal growth for men, including men’s groups. Here are a few examples:

Therapy: Therapy can be a great way for men to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. A therapist can help men to identify and challenge negative patterns of thinking and behavior, and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Men’s groups: Men’s groups are a great way for men to connect with other men on a deep level. These groups can provide a safe space for men to share their stories, support each other, and learn from each other’s experiences.

Self-help books and articles: There are many self-help books and articles available that can help men on their journey of personal growth. These resources can provide men with information and advice on a variety of topics, such as relationships, career, and mental health.

Workshops and retreats: There are many workshops and retreats available that are specifically designed for men. These programs can help men to learn new skills, develop new perspectives, and connect with other men who are on a similar journey.

Volunteering: Volunteering is a great way for men to give back to their community and make a difference in the world. It can also be a great way for men to meet new people and learn new skills.

Exercise: Exercise is a great way for men to improve their physical and mental health. It can also help men to reduce stress and improve their mood.

Shadow work – a form of therapy which is very cathartic, actionistic and designed to overcome the historical wounding which may have limited your capacity to be fully Adult in the world today.

Meditation: Meditation is a great way for men to reduce stress, improve focus, and increase self-awareness.

Ultimately, the best source of personal growth for men is the one that works best for them. There is no right or wrong answer, and every man’s journey is different. It is important to explore different options and find what works best for you.

If you are interested in finding a men’s group, there are a few resources you can use. You can ask your therapist for recommendations, or you can search online for men’s groups in your area. There are also a number of national organizations that support men’s groups, such as the National Coalition for Men and the ManKind Project.

About the ManKind Project

What qualifications does a men’s group leader need?

A men’s group leader needs a variety of qualifications, including:

Personal experience: A men’s group leader should have personal experience with personal growth and development. This may include having participated in a men’s group themselves, or having done other types of personal work such as therapy or coaching.

Empathy and compassion: A men’s group leader should be able to create a safe and supportive space where men feel comfortable sharing their stories and experiences. They should also be able to listen with empathy and compassion, and to reflect back what they have heard in a way that is helpful and supportive.

Leadership skills: A men’s group leader needs to be able to lead the group in a way that is both effective and respectful. This includes being able to set clear boundaries, facilitate discussions, and help the group to stay focused on its goals.

Knowledge of men’s issues: A men’s group leader should have a basic understanding of the challenges and issues that men face in our society. This may include topics such as masculinity, relationships, work, and mental health.

Training: There are a number of organizations that offer training programs for men’s group leaders. These programs can teach leaders the skills and knowledge they need to lead successful men’s groups.

In addition to these qualifications, it is also helpful for a men’s group leader to be:

Non-judgmental: A men’s group leader should be able to accept men for who they are, without judgment.

Culturally competent: A men’s group leader should be culturally competent and able to create a safe and inclusive space for men from all backgrounds.

Committed to men’s growth and development: A men’s group leader should be committed to helping men grow and develop as individuals.

If you are interested in becoming a men’s group leader, there are a few things you can do to prepare:

Do your own personal work: It is important to have your own personal experience with personal growth and development before becoming a men’s group leader. This will help you to understand the process and to be more supportive of the men in your group.

Get trained: There are a number of organizations that offer training programs for men’s group leaders. These programs can teach you the skills and knowledge you need to lead successful men’s groups.

Find a mentor: If possible, find a mentor who is an experienced men’s group leader. They can provide you with guidance and support as you get started.

Start small: When you are first starting out, it is helpful to start with a small group of men. This will give you a chance to develop your leadership skills and to gain experience.

Becoming a men’s group leader can be a rewarding experience. It can be an opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of men, and to help them to grow and develop as individuals.

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